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Organic fertilizer is used as a base fertilizer application method


1. When the whole layer is applied to the ground, the organic fertilizer is sprinkled on the surface, and the fertilizer is fully applied to the surface layer of the soil with the turning of the ground, and then ploughed into the soil. This fertilization method is simple, labor-saving, and the fertilizer is applied evenly. This approach also has many drawbacks.

First, the fertilizer utilization rate is low. Since the whole field is fully spread, the general application amount is more, but the root system can absorb and use only the fertilizer around the root system, and the fertilizer applied to the parts where the root system cannot reach is lost. Second, it is easy to produce soil obstacles. Organic fertilizer is rich in phosphorus and potassium nutrients, and it is not easy to lose in the soil, and a large amount of fertilization is easy to cause the enrichment of phosphorus and potassium nutrients, resulting in the imbalance of soil nutrients; Third, in greenhouses with low fertilizer mobility, a large amount of fertilization will also cause an increase in soil salt concentration.

2. In addition to the large amount of coarse and miscellaneous organic fertilizers, commercial organic fertilizers with high nutrient content generally adopt the method of application in the colonization hole or digging trenches, and apply them centrally to the root extension part, which can give full play to its fertilizer efficiency. Concentrated application is not as close to the colonization hole as possible, it is best to adopt fertilization at a certain distance from the colonization hole according to the quality of organic fertilizer and the growth of crop roots, as a fertilizer to be effective with the growth of crop roots and play a role. At the location of organic fertilizer application, the soil aeration becomes better, the root system is well stretched, and the root system can effectively absorb nutrients.

The key to furrow and acupuncture is to apply nutrients within the range that the root system can stretch. Therefore, the fertilization location is important during concentrated application, and the fertilization position should be changed according to the changes in crop uptake. The most ideal fertilization method is that the fertilizer should not touch the seeds or the roots of the crop, and it is at a certain distance from the root system, and the crop can only be absorbed and utilized after a certain degree of growth. The use of strip application and cave application can reduce the amount of fertilizer application to a certain extent, but relatively speaking, the labor input of fertilizer increases.